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Affinity Good Luck Zodiac Mug



Master SiewLi believes that everyone must learn to bless themselves. One of the ways is through drinking water, because water is an important resource for all human mankind.




Water is a powerful blessing to life and is the foundation of health. All living things on Earth require water for survival and will die with a lack of it. It can help to improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, beneficial for the absorption of nutrients by the human body resulting in enhancing the body’s immunity and strengthening of one’s health. 

With this in mind, Master SiewLi specially designed a unique galactic symbol for each zodiac to activate wealth, wellness and wisdom. Every mug comes with a crown of confidence lid. You can activate positive energies, attract good things and good people to you everyday by drinking from it daily. Drink the water first thing in the morning and before you sleep. Place it on your work desk at home or office. Get your own zodiac and start drinking. 

The Zodiac Affinity Good Luck Mug is specially created by Master SiewLi for each and every one of you for purpose of:

  • Protection against obstacles and challenges 
  • Taking charge of what we want and who we are 
  • Positive mental and physical health 
  • Improve relationships and strengthen your inner soul
  • Self-awareness and confidence
  • Enhance financial wealth and opportunities  
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